Forks Over Knives Meal Planner Review

It’s the worst feeling. Wondering what to make for dinner. (And lunch and breakfast.) And then having to figure that over and over again. For the rest of your life. OK, that’s a little dramatic, but hopefully, this Forks Over Knives Meal Planner review will help you out by showing you an easy (and fun) way to plan your meals.

I’m going to take you through the whole meal planner, but if you’d rather just see it for yourself, they do have a free trial. Click here to sign up for the free trial.

Let’s dive into this Forks Meal Planner review!

Forks Meal Planner Overview

Forks Meal Planner homepage


  • Easy to use
  • Easy to swap out meals
  • Lots of variety
  • Recipes are easy and quick to prepare
  • Organized grocery list
  • Weekend prep instructions to make the weekday cooking faster
  • Save money by sticking with the plan
  • All whole plant food, no-oil recipes


  • You can’t add to the grocery list (Easy solution – print it out then write out the other things you need)
  • Some portion sizes are huge (could be a good thing, depending on if you like leftovers.)

How Does the Forks Meal Planner Work?

When you first start with the meal planner, they will ask you questions to help you customize your plan. They ask how many people you will be planning for (how many adults and how many children), if you’re allergic to gluten or nuts and if you’d like to include breakfast in your meal plan.

You can always change these settings later, so don’t worry if you change your mind or make a mistake.

Once you’re in, you’ll have a drop-down on the left that says “Choose Plan.” You’ll be able to choose this week’s plan, last week’s plan or the Anytime Plan, which is the Free Trial plan.

Forks Meal Planner - Daily Meals

You always get three recipes per day, but there’s a button below that says “Add a recipe” and you can use that to add on to your day.

You can also delete a recipe or swap out a recipe by clicking on the circle next to the recipe you want to change. So, if you want breakfast instead of lunch, you can easily swap that out.

When you click on a recipe, you’ll see something like this:

What a recipe looks like in the Forks Meal Planner

What I love about this is that you can easily adjust the servings sizes. My kids definitely wouldn’t eat this, but they might eat something else. So I can adjust the serving size and then the grocery list amounts will automatically change too.

You can set your servings amount for the whole plan for individual, couple or family. You set it in the beginning, but you can change it or just change adjust your recipe servings.

At the bottom of the recipe, you can rate it favorite it and add notes:

Add notes to a recipe.

You can download your recipes and lists, or you can print them.

Forks Over Knives Grocery List

Here’s a peek into the grocery list. You can sort the items by aisle or recipe and you can easily print it out:

Grocery lists can be sorted by recipe or aisle.

I also love the notes on the right side.

Recipe notes are really helpful!

For one of the recipes, it told me the best types of apples to get for that particular recipe. That was very helpful when I was at the store.

Weekend Prep Page

Here’s something really genius. This is the “Weekend Prep” page:

The weekend prep page is genius!

It gives you a list of items you can do over the weekend to help get meals out faster during the week. You can cook things like lentils and rice ahead of time to make recipes come together much faster later.

Forks Meal Planner Recipe Box

Not loving all the items on your list this week? No problem! You have a whole recipe box to explore. As mentioned earlier, you can swap out recipes, or add on to your plan.

Forks Meal Planner recipe box is full of ideas.

What I love about the Forks Meal Planner is how it keeps you focused on eating whole, plant foods. I don’t know about you, but when left to my own devices, I will eat chips and salsa and chocolate chips for dinner. This plan will help keep you on track!

Using a planner like this will help keep your grocery bill down too because you won’t be trying to think what you’re going to eat as you’re shopping and having no real plan.  I know when I do that, I come home with enough groceries for about 20 meals but then don’t use them all because I don’t know what to do with everything.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Have you ever heard of that quote? It’s one that I think of in every aspect of my life. Budgeting, coming up with content to write on my blogs, and for sure meal planning!

How Much Does Forks Meal Planner Cost?

You have two options when it comes to the pricing of the Forks Meal Planner.

  1. Pay yearly – $119.99
  2. Pay monthly – $19.99

Forks meal planner pricing is affordable!

I personally like annual plans because I don’t like worrying about another monthly charge and you save money overall. But that doesn’t work for everyone, so it’s nice to have different ways to pay.

But again, you can check it out for yourself for free to see if it will work for you and your family.

Click here to start your free trial. 


I don’t know about you, but I have tons and tons of cookbooks and pinned recipes. But it’s the meal planning part that I’m terrible at. I can flip through a cookbook, get some ideas and I might use a recipe or two, but I never grab a bunch and make a whole plan. It’s too overwhelming.

The Forks Over Knives meal planner is great because not only does it focus on whole, plant foods, but it organizes everything for you completely.

And – most importantly – it’s flexible! You can always adjust everything to fit your needs. Give the Forks Meal Planner a try to see for yourself. 

Forks Meal Planner Review

2 thoughts on “Forks Over Knives Meal Planner Review”

  1. This sounds great and would be a tremendous help to me. I will look through cookbooks and come up with two or three recipes/meals and buy the ingredients. Then a couple days later I cannot remember what recipe I bought the ingredients for (as I’ve looked at so many), so I never ending up making them all. Plus having the grocery list made for you!!!! Awesome!!!!

    • Yes, Deann, I know exactly what you’re talking about! lol Having a meal planner really is a tremendous help. Even though it costs a little money upfront, it can really save you money (and wasted ingredients) overall.


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