10 Plant-Based Smoothie Bowl Recipes

Let’s face it. Smoothie bowls are gorgeous. They’re almost too pretty to eat! But today we’re going to look at 10 plant-based smoothie bowl recipes that we can take pictures of AND eat.

I gathered up a nice variety of smoothie bowl recipes from Pinterest that are not only pretty but also filling, nutritious and delicious.

I do recommend a Vitamix for making these smoothie bowls extra smooth, and you can see why in this Vitamix Pro 750 review here. Having a Vitamix certainly isn’t a necessity, but it’s great to have. (And, by the way, they last forever too!)

Let’s get into it!

Recipe #1 – Vanilla Date Smoothie Bowl

When I hear the word “date” in a recipe, I automatically know it’s going to be good. You know how avocados are like nature’s butter? Well, dates are like nature’s candy. And when you add them to things, they make them taste good! Plus, unlike actual candy, dates have nutrients and fiber.

So we know we have dates and then you add vanilla too. I mean, isn’t that just a perfect combo? This recipe also has protein powder to help keep you fuller longer, plus zucchini, chia seeds, and nature’s butter – avocado!

Recipe #2 – Creamy Pink Smoothie Bowl

Have you ever heard that saying that we eat with our eyes? I think that’s absolutely true for this one. I mean, aren’t your eyes completely drawn to this pink smoothie bowl? It’s just so pretty!

What makes this bowl so pink? Raspberries!

This bowl also has dates (nature’s candy, remember?), maple syrup, bananas, vanilla and almonds or cashews for creaminess. Plus, all those fun toppings!

Recipe #3 – Tropical Pitaya Smoothie Bowl

To be honest with you, I didn’t know what a pitaya was before I saw this recipe. I thought it was some exotic, warm location full of palm trees and fruits. But, turns out, it’s just dragon fruit.

I shouldn’t say “just” dragon fruit, as dragon fruit is pretty rockin’. I also learned something else via this recipe. You can buy dragon fruit powder. Kaylie, our recipe creator, recommends frozen dragon fruit, but this dragon fruit powder will work if you can’t find that.

This recipe also contains other delicious ingredients such as banana (of course), mango, hemp seeds and coconut milk. Doesn’t that sound tropical and refreshing?

Recipe #4 – Frozen Fruit Smoothie Bowl

It’s nice to try something different and exotic like the Tropical Pitaya Smoothie Bowl. However, sometimes it’s great just to go to the classics.

This is an easy, delicious smoothie bowl with regular ingredients you probably already have on hand. (And if not, they’re easy to find!)

These ingredients include banana (of course!), mixed frozen berries, some flax seeds, and protein powder. Easy.

Related Article: 7 Plant-Based Smoothie Recipes Perfect for a Vitamix

Recipe #5 – The Best Green Smoothie Bowl Ever

Admit it. Green smoothies and green smoothie bowls do not look good. They just don’t! In most cases, smoothie bowls are Instagram-worthy. Not green ones.

However, the good thing about smoothie bowls is that you can hide the greenness by adding toppings. The other good thing about green smoothies and smoothie bowls is while they may not look great, they taste awesome! You can’t even taste the green.

This recipe uses spinach or kale (or you can use a combo) and coconut water, pineapple or mango, almond milk and banana, of course! lol. (OK, I’ll stop. We know that most smoothies and smoothie bowls contain banana. I know I don’t need to point it out every single time. I was just having fun with you. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Recipe #6 – Cookie Dough Smoothie Bowl

OK, this one had me at cookie dough. Who doesn’t love cookie dough? The color of this bowl is also so enticing. It’s gorgeous!

This one does use a couple of ingredients that may be hard to find in your grocery store, but I think it would be worth popping on Amazon to order them.

The bowl uses bananas (of cour… oh wait. We’re not doing that anymore, are we?) plus spirulina powder (which gives it that blue color) and mesquite powder. Interesting!

There are two different cookie dough recipes. One is a raw version and the other uses chickpeas. Both contain chocolate chips, and that’s all that I need to make me happy.

Recipe #7 – Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Bowl

I was really excited to show you this one. I love pumpkin. I don’t even care if it’s not fall, I still love pumpkin. And I love pumpkin pie. So when I saw this smoothie bowl, I was so excited. Let’s turn pumpkin pie into a healthier alternative that we can have more often.

I’m all in.

Our recipe creator, Emily, suggests that this smoothie bowl needs to be mega-thick. She also uses a secret ingredient that was one of the secret ingredients in the Cherry Banana Smoothie recipe I posted in this article. I’m not going to give it away though.

You’ll have to see for yourself! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Recipe #8 – Green Buckwheat Breakfast Bowl

Here’s another green bowl. This one looks very pretty. But it’s because of what I said in the last green smoothie bowl recipe above.

It’s the toppings.

Toppings make everything look so much better!

But again, it doesn’t matter what smoothie bowls look like really. It matters what they taste like and this one is sure to taste amazing!

Not only that, but it’s filling because it’s packed with plant-based protein from buckwheat groats. It’s also got spinach or kale (or both), kiwis, apple, almond butter, and almond milk.


(This pin isn’t showing up, but you can see it here!)

Recipe #9 – Berry Smoothie Citrus Bowl

If you’re a vegan, there is honey in this recipe. You can skip, or use Bee Free Honee (which is so delicious, by the way). Not only is this smoothie bowl absolutely gorgeous, but it also combines two things that should always be combined – citrus and berries!

Listen to how amazing these ingredients are:

  • Grapefruit
  • Bananas
  • Raspberries
  • Honey or Bee Free Honee
  • Lemon Juice
  • Dairy-free Greek yogurt
  • Almond Milk

I don’t know. I think I just love grapefruit and so I was convinced right then and there that this would be perfect. I love all the other ingredients too, so I KNOW it’ll be perfect. What do you think? Do you like citrus and berries together?

Recipe #10 – Raw Raspberry Buckwheat Bowl

Listen, you’ve already got some of those buckwheats from the Green Buckwheat Smoothie Bowl, let’s use more up in this raspberry bowl. It’s perfect!

This bowl also uses awesome things like almond butter, chia seeds, flax seeds and the best ingredient that turns everything into magic in your mouth – cinnamon.

And of course, there are raspberries. (But no bananas this time!)

Look how gorgeous this smoothie bowl is!

More Plant-Based Smoothie Bowl Ideas

If you’d like even more plant-based smoothie bowl recipes, you can follow my board on Pinterest. I’m always adding new recipes, so keep coming back to see more beautiful smoothie bowls!

Well, now I’m properly hungry because these 10 plant-based smoothie bowl recipes just look so divine! Which one are you going to start with first? What’s your favorite smoothie bowl color? Green, blue, red?

Let me know your favorites in the comments below!

10 Plant-Based Smoothie Bowl Recipes

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